Trendy Collection | Complete


Everything you need to present a cohesive brand to your clients. The complete collection includes six unique and completely customizable templates for your business – Bridal Brochure, Bridal Show Flyer, Client for Life Card, Copyright Card, Pricing Sheet, and Wedding Timeline worksheet.

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Being a photographer today requires more than just knowing how to operate a camera. You need to wear many hats and our goal is to help you put your best foot forward so you can focus on the things that matter and get the one thing back we all value most— time.

Our collections were designed by photographers, for photographers. We know what tools you need to provide a well-branded and professional experience for your clients. Today’s brides are extremely brand-aware and are looking for brands they can relate to. Your brand is more than just your photography. Having a cohesive presentation is paramount. These collections give you the leg up you need to stand out from the crowd.

Best of all, you don’t need to pay big dollars for a graphic designer. Our templates are professionally designed, fully customizable, and ready to go.



Our .psd templates are all-inclusive and are 100% customizable. They work with all versions of Photoshop.

They can be easily adjusted to print at any lab or print house.

Everything from colors, sizes, text, design elements, and imagary can be completely customized to fit your specific needs.

Fonts are freely downloadable to ensure the look you see is the look you get.



Everything you need to present a cohesive brand to your clients. The complete collection includes six unique and completely customizable templates for your business.

Bridal Brochure | This is perfect for bridal shows and handouts for your potential clients. In addition, these are great to leave at vendor locations. They are designed to showcase your work, allowing your imagery to represent your studio. It includes six spreads for a 12-page brochure and can be adjusted to add or remove pages if necessary.

Bridal Show Flyer | Handing out your pricing at bridal shows is mandatory. Brides want to walk away with information about your studio. Don’t hand your pricing over on a plain piece of white photocopy paper. This two-sided piece (sample printed on card stock) is a great way to showcase one of your impact images and give them your pricing at the same time.

Client for Life | Give your wedding clients a reason to come back. The Client for Life program is a unqiue way to build loyalty. This insert ensures they are excited for their next session and builds brand loyalty along the way.

Copyright | The average clients doesn’t understand copyright law. This is a great and subtle way to remind them by inserting this branded piece in with their print orders, digital files, albums, etc.

Pricing Sheet | Perfect for your home printer, show your pricing in a branded and professional way (sample printed on linen paper).

Wedding Timeline | Every wedding requires a timeline to map out the flow of the day. Here is another opportunity to provide your client and your team with branded and consistent information about the wedding day timeline. Perfect for your home printer (sample printed on linen paper). These can be pre-printed and filled in as needed per client.



Can be easily customized to print at any lab or print house.

Bridal Show Flyer | 8.5″x11″

Bridal Show Brochure | 8.5″x11″

Client for Life | 5.5″x8.5″

Copyright | 5.5″x4″

Pricing Sheet | 8.5″x11″

Wedding Timeline | 8.5″x11″


Complete Collection

Bridal Brochure (12 pages)

Copyright Insert (Front & Back)

Client for Life Insert (Front & Back)

Bridal Show Flyer (Front & Back)

Wedding Timeline

Pricing Sheet