The power of Pinterest Boards for photographers

The power of Pinterest Boards for photographers

Photography Inspiration // Playing fashionista for your clients.


Have you ever been frustrated because your clients show up for their photoshoots and look like slobs? Have you ever wished you could just show them what to wear and ensure they get the best possible results from their photo-session?

Well, so have we! We learned early on that you cant sell art work when your clients show up in flip flops. True story. We were doing a destination engagement shoot where a client traveled over 5 hours to meet us on location. We were thinking this is going to be AWESOME!! Big sales… big sales… whammie!

Client shows up wearing a baseball jersey, cargo shorts, and beat up white sneakers. Better yet, for the second more dressy outfit, the groom to be had faded black cotton pants and a wrinkled shirt. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! was the first thought that went through my mind.

And true to form, the sales sucked. I nearly lost it when during the sales session the bride to be stated “I love that picture, I just wish you had worn your nicer clothes.”

After that, we vowed never to let that happen again. Sure, I cant go to the clients’ house and pull their wardrobe for them and lets be honest I am way too busy to go clothes shopping for them. However, today, with Pinterest its never been easier to give your clients some guidance and inspiration.

Below is one of our Pinterest Engagement Inspiration boards created by my designer and used for Engagements, Families, Babies, etc. It gives the clients some basic and visual guidance on what to wear, where to get the outfit if they love it, and a color palette to go off of. To see our entire engagement board visit our Pinterest site.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Joni Schrantz

    Smart! Can’t believe I hadn’t thought of this yet!

  2. Anna Corley

    Love this….Thank you!

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