Beauty Retouching with Luminar Neo

Beauty retouching is fun and easy with Luminar Neo. This is one of several tools I personally use in my editing process. I love how easy this tool is for editing your images. Quick, easy, fun and creative are the words I would use to describe my editing. In this quick Luminar Neo Tutorial, I will show you my editing techniques for working some recent portrait images I created. One of the things to keep in mind while watching is a term I like to refer to as "season to taste". We all have different editing styles and different taste. Work on and find the ones that work for you and your business.

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The Most Powerful AI Tool for Portrait Retouching

If you are a portrait photographer and edit your images at all, Evoto is an AI editing tool you must check out. It's the perfect tool for retouching efforts. It includes things like skin retouching, dodge and burning, body shaping, makeup enhancements and more. Everything you need as a portrait photographer.

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Surreal Portraiture and the Retouching Behind It

While there is an array of possibilities when it comes to techniques while retouching, ultimately it comes down to granting yourself permission to simply create and experiment. Allow yourself to be brave and step outside the box—you might be surprised by what you dream into existence!

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5 Steps to Brush Up on Retouching in Photoshop

As photographers, you should focus on making your client look their best, but do not transform them into someone they won’t recognize. The rule of thumb with retouching is to be subtle enough that it’s not even noticeable that you did it. For this level of editing, I find myself starting in Lightroom or another RAW processing program, then retouching in Photoshop. In my opinion, there is no other comparable tool, and with actions, using a tablet for pressure sensitivity, and using a non-destructive post-production workflow, I can run through multiple images with ease. So if you need to dust off your editing skills, these are the five steps to brush up on retouching in Photoshop.

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Retouching Responsibly

My wife couldn't watch me edit photos of her. She told me that it reminded her of how much older she was getting. As I would work on a picture, she would point out marks she wanted me to remove, or tell me how to handle things that the tiny amount of makeup she wore didn't cover. For her, even though she had great skin and an athletic body, it was a process she didn't enjoy watching, but she did love the resulting images. Now, this happened years ago, and it was an excellent lesson for me in terms of thinking about how clients would potentially look at their resulting images. It also created a set of guidelines I now use when retouching, and I wanted to pass those on to you, so you can avoid the same pitfalls I did.

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7-Part Series to Step Up Your Lightroom Game – Part 5: Creative Editing

Now that we’ve finished correcting color and exposure, it’s time to get creative and show off our best work. When it comes to creative editing in Lightroom, there is a lot we can do without having to jump into Photoshop. That’s exactly what I want to cover in this article, while also offering workflows for Lightroom to Photoshop for that extra level of editing.

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