How To Shoot Moody Black & White Portraits
Until recently, I rarely ever photographed in black & white, but this past year I decided to add a new genre of women’s intimate portraits to my session offerings.
Until recently, I rarely ever photographed in black & white, but this past year I decided to add a new genre of women’s intimate portraits to my session offerings.
When you're photographing a bride, there's a lot to encompass: you've got a beautiful background, ideally, but you want nearly all the focus in the photos to be on the bride herself.
I am a supporter and fan of the beginner photographer. I think as we grow in our profession, we may on occasion forget the road we once traveled. One of the most significant moments in my life was when I first learned how to do off-camera flash.
As both a fashion and portrait photographer, I photograph a wide variety of posing styles. I photograph models in back-breaking avant garde positions and portrait clients who would prefer to remain seated, thank you very much (not that I let them). And it’s my job to coach them all.
Years ago when I started my own studio, I didn’t have the space I had in previous studios. I thought I would give backdrops a try to give myself variety. After purchasing an inexpensive one, I asked a friend to pose for me as a test run.
We pass many milestones in our lives, and when each new door opens, we grow in what we do. In photography, some of those moments include understanding how to use our cameras, the exposure triangle, and maybe even Bayer filters and circles of confusion.
As artists, we're constantly responding to the world around us. For years, we’ve photographed so many amazing kids that we felt needed a larger platform.
If you’re a photographer and you’ve ever worked with babies, you know how challenging it can be! As a portrait photographer specialized in maternity portraits, my clients often desire another photoshoot after the pregnancy session to have beautiful portraits with their precious baby.
s artists, we get our inspiration from literally everywhere. As creatives, our minds are constantly running, and we often—no, most times—can picture beauty in a scene where others cannot.
Being able to control and manipulate natural light will differentiate your brand in a congested market is essential to a profitable, sustainable business.