Step by Step In-Person Sales for Photographers
So we’ll have to back up a bit to make sure we’ve set a good foundation for the ordering session to go smoothly.
So we’ll have to back up a bit to make sure we’ve set a good foundation for the ordering session to go smoothly.
Let me begin by saying, if you’ve read any of my previous articles in Shutter, you know that whatever the topic, I speak to you from my perspective. I consider myself a “regular” photographer, here to share my story and hopefully inspire and educate my fellow photographers on things I've learned along the way.
To some, in person sales (IPS) stands for terrifying, scary, I’m not a salesperson, no one will ever buy anything. But for us, IPS stands for life changing, freedom, revenue generation, working smarter, not leaving money on the table, and client care.
Jumping into an in-person sales model is difficult for so many people who have built their business on handing over digital files to their clients. It takes a lot of money, perseverance, and time upfront to build a solid in-person sales business. We have spent the past four years perfecting our sales strategies to be in line with ever-changing wedding trends, and have come up with a model that serves our clients from beginning to end while still bringing in high-dollar sales.
This month in the Business Corner represents the culmination of all the work we've been doing for the past several months—selling profitable products to your client at an in-person sales appointment after the shoot. It’s time to cash in.
Last January, Mike Allebach and I decided that it would be great to challenge everyone after one of the workshops to reach out to past wedding clients, use what we taught them, and get wedding albums into their clients’ hands. We called it the $10K Challenge: if you have ten clients from the past two years and sell each of them a $1,000 wedding album, you will have made an extra $10,000 that January.
The first time I tried after-sales, it felt silly. The most I could bring myself to do was send an email after their wedding telling them that the free thank-you cards that came with their wedding package could be upgraded in size and style. I also threw in the idea that they could add pages to their albums. I still remember cringing as I hit send. I felt like such a sleaze.
For the past several months in The Business Corner, we’ve been building your sales system from the ground up in order to get you to your target sales average. Now it’s time to put all your hard work into action. It’s time to craft your client experience workflow to maximize your sales potential. That workflow starts the moment a potential client inquires.
In-person sales (IPS) offers the number-one way to make real money as a photographer in today’s digital world. But lots of photographers still resist this proven strategy. Most people who refuse to implement IPS are terrified of it. That’s understandable. The idea of sales has such a negative connotation, especially for artists who already suffer from the “Am I good enough?” complex. Those photographers are expected to sit in front of their clients, confidently make eye contact and ask for thousands of dollars? Forget about it.
What exactly does it take to be a good salesperson? You can’t just be an artist. You have to know how to sell too. So, the million-dollar question is: How can you become a better salesperson? After many sales sessions, I’ve identified things that can hurt or help any sales session, and have compiled five key tips to help any photographer become better at sales.