Standing out from the crowd

Is there anything original anymore? Just about everything seems to be a regurgitated idea.
What about photography? Are any of us producing truly original imagery? What about our techniques? Lighting? Everything’s been done in some form or fashion. I know what you must be thinking: Whoa, are you saying we are all copycats? Well, yeah, kinda. Ok, hold on, so should we just hang up our straps since it’s all been done already?
I am not suggesting that we give up all hope. Sure, it’s increasingly difficult to impress clients. They’ve seen it all. This week we put a kissing couple in a field, and next week they are kissing in front of some cool doors. Oh, wait, this week we are using the sun to back- light them, and next week they are in open shade.
It’s all the same stuff. The challenge is finding a way to stand out from the crowd. I’ve been screaming for years that you have to find that X factor in order to stand out and keep your business moving forward.