Photography Lighting Tutorial
When it comes to lighting I’m all about creating the perfect fit for the subject at hand. My goal is to create lighting that takes into account each of the factors I’m being presented with such as existing lighting conditions, the subject’s face and body, and the message I’m trying to convey. However, sometimes you just don’t have
time to reinvent the wheel, but you still need to produce sophisticated looks straight out of the gate.
In this way lighting is a lot like cooking. While we’d all like to be able to whip up an extraordinary meal every night of the week, sometimes we just need an easy-to- follow, quick-to-prepare, one-pot crowd pleaser…the kind of recipe you can count on to be a winner seven days a week, 365 days a year. The same is true with lighting and there are a ton of great recipes available out there to help you achieve tasteful results without the effect of looking canned.
Like cooking, ideally you’ll want to develop a vocabulary of your own; one that lets you work without a recipe. This way, based on informed choices, you can create tailor- made solutions for the type of face, body and situation you’re working with and produce exactly the look you’re after. But even then there are still times when you just need a few tried and true, meat and potatoes solutions that work every time, time after time, get the job done in a hurry and provide the options and flexibility you need to produce great-looking light.
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I love your tutorials. Good work Master.