Make More Money as a Wedding Photographer

Make Money

Make More Money as a Wedding Photographer with Gary & Kim Evans

Want to a Make More Money Wedding Photographer? Our photography business has done some major evolving in the past three years.

At ShutterFest in 2018, Gary realized there was definitely something missing. We cared so deeply for our clients but until that point, we hadn’t considered or truthfully hadn’t even known much about IPS. We were providing wonderful work and not helping our clients display that work. A lightbulb went off for us and we’ve been on a mission to transform both our clients’ lives and our business ever since.

Whether you’re looking to evolve from a shoot and burn wedding photographer or want to level up your post-wedding sales, here are our top tips for how to sell after the wedding.

1 Incorporate the Importance of Printing

Throughout the entire journey with our couples, we are talking about and stressing the importance of printing their artwork. This starts in the very first meeting.

All of our wedding packages include a wedding album Make More Money. Not only are we discussing and showing off our collection of albums but we’re also surrounding them with stunning artwork. As we’re walking each couple through our packages, we’re discussing how we structure the engagement sessions, how we design the albums, how we’re shooting our signature portrait as part of the wedding day and how our couples appreciate having their trusted photographer handle all their printing needs.

Our engagement sessions are another perfect opportunity to discuss printing options and shooting something epic that they’ll love to display in their home. As we’re shooting, we’re chatting about where in their house they would put artwork and whether any family members are waiting for these images as gifts to display.  We’re setting the stage and piquing their interest in preparation for our first sales session.

Following the engagement session, we’re scheduling their first sales session. We try to look at it as a part of their post-wedding sale. We’re already talking about their wedding printing and how the art will be displayed, and incorporating their engagement session prints, albums, etc. into that plan. A great example is sizing. Our couples typically want their largest print of the wedding, so we’re already discussing those options and sizes at this point. They love the 30×40” example of a wedding we have on the wall, so they’re naturally considering a 20×30” for the engagement session. We’re building their future post-wedding sale already.

Even as we’re shooting the wedding, the excitement is building. “This is the one! I can’t wait to see this on your wall!” You’re just as excited as they are to create a masterpiece for them to love for years and years. We are shooting to sell.

Make More Money

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To read the full article, launch the digital version of the December 2021 magazine.

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