low cost photography marketing

low cost photography marketing


Succeeding in a small business is all about bringing in new clients, and even more specifically, bringing in the right new clients. But marketing is scary. It often means putting yourself out there and sometimes spending lots of money, only to find out that your efforts don’t bring anyone knocking.

You don’t have to spend a fortune to reach your target audience if you do it wisely. Marketing always takes work, and time is money—but with a little brainstorming, you can come up with lots of ways to approach two of the strongest forms of marketing: referrals and networking.


The first way is to tell your favorite clients how much you enjoy working with them. Tell them that you would also love working with their friends, and ask for those referrals. Make a habit to add this step at the end of every client experience that you’ve enjoyed—just ask!

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To read the full article, launch the digital version of the June 2013 magazine.

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