H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. Elements of a Healthy Business


H.E.A.L.T.H.Y. Elements of a Healthy Business

Being healthy plays an important role in how things happen in our lives, both in business and personally. Let’s go through the word healthy together with an acronym I came up with.


The habits we develop play a key role in our performance, both in business and life. We form habits around what and when we eat and drink, when or if we exercise, what we do in our free time, how we run our businesses and so much more. When it comes to forming or breaking routines we’ve put in place, we have to look at the “habit loop,” according to the author of The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg. Duhigg explains that habits are made up of cues (or reminders), the behavior (action) and then the reward (or benefit), and understanding this “loop” is the key to breaking bad habits. We have to remove the cue or understand and change the reward, and the reward is usually a result of the way we think or feel.

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