Find a Real Connection With Your Boudoir Clients with Ayla Quellhorst
Boudoir is such an intimate experience for clients. They are paying you thousands of dollars to pose in front of your camera at least half-naked. Most clients have never done a shoot like this and have no clue what to expect. As professionals, it is our job to help them through the process.
You want your clients to feel like you are their only focus, that they are the center of attention. Here are three simple things you can implement in your studio NOW to make a significant impact on your boudoir clients.
Get Them on the Phone!
When a lead reaches out to our studio, we pick up the phone and call them! The sooner, the better. I often have a client fill out our contact form on our website and call them back within five minutes. Quick, personal responses can go a long way.
What do you do if they don’t answer? Shoot them a text if they marked on your form that you can do so—some just screen phone calls. Keep touching base with them. Keep calling until they answer you! People are busy; they need to be reminded of you. It’s not a no until they say so.
It isn’t just about getting them on the phone right away. Have a script. Know what you are going to say to your lead. Don’t jump right into what you have to offer. Ask them questions about themselves, why they want the shoot. Then respond to their comments. There is nothing worse than telling a story to someone only for them to flip to another subject rather than acknowledging what you just said. Please get to know them, treat it like a first date. Then when you tell them about your studio, use the pain points they told you about to explain why they need your services!