Featured Artist: Craig LaMere – Professional Portrait Photographer


Featured Artist: Craig LaMere – Professional Portrait Photographer

Tell us a little about yourself and your studio.
I’m from the great state of Idaho, and have pretty much lived here my whole life. I have my little girl boxer, Logan, my bulldog, Lincoln, and my two cats, Emit and Martin. In January, I will have been shooting for five years. I was a high school receiver coach for 12 years, and just quit last year due to my crazy schedule. I opened my first studio a year after I started shooting, and moved into my second one this past February. I really have loved every second of it. Being from a small market, I shoot almost every genre at my studio, with the only exception being babies, which I most definitely do not shoot, because they poop and pee everywhere, and I have a firm rule at my studio that I’m the only one who is allowed to poop and pee all over!

How did you get into photography?
When I was younger, to say I had very little direction would be like saying the ocean has some water in it. I really had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but I always knew I would find that “something.” I’ve had a huge entrepreneurial sprit my whole life. I’ve always tried to start this or that, but never found anything that really grabbed me 100 percent.

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