Welcome, everyone! Sal Cincotta here, and today we’re going to push the boundaries of fashion photography with the incredible Canon RF 35mm lens. This lens is a versatile powerhouse, offering both speed and precision with its fast focus and macro capabilities. Get ready to be amazed as we capture breathtaking shots using just one lens. Make sure to subscribe and join us for more mind-blowing photography adventures!
Equipment Used:
Camera: Canon EOS R5
Lens: Canon RF 35MM
Light: Natural Light
Modifiers: Reflector
Photographer: Sal Cincotta
Model: Violet Deardorff
Hair & Makeup: Brandi Patton, Refine Beauty
What’s up everyone? My name is Sal Cincotta and today we are doing a stylized fashion portrait shoot with the Canon RF 35mm lens.
All right, so we’ve got this really cool setup going on today, but I’m going to use one lens the 35mm RF/1.8. And so this is a very fast lens. It’s going to fast focus, but it’s also a macro so I can get up to a half a foot for its minimum focus distance so we can get in super tight, create those portraits. But it’s a great all around lens.
Now, a lot of you think, I don’t want to go wide angle for portraits. It’s going to skew some things, but used the right way, you can create some really interesting looks and we can get full body come in and get beauty portraits and tighter shots as well, because this is a macro.
And so we’ve got this incredible set that we’re using, it’s stylized. We’ve got Violet back there. I think she was checking herself out in the mirror the entire time. It’s a really, really cool set. So we’re just going to work around it, but I’m shooting everything wide open in natural light. Really to create a mood. I’m using a reflector to fill some light there, but I think you’re going to like what we get. So let’s get to it.

Settings: f/1.8 @ 1/125, ISO 400

Settings: f/1.8 @ 1/250, ISO 400

Settings: f/1.8 @ 1/200, ISO 400

Settings: f/1.8 @ 1/125, ISO 400

Settings: f/1.8 @ 1/125, ISO 400