The Changing Times: Family Portraits and The Economy
Family portraits are among the most prized possessions in most people’s homes. I’ve heard countless people say that their family pictures would be one of the first things they would grab if their house were on fire. With the ubiquity of camera phones, family portraits seem less important. It is my mission to continue to remind everyone why it is so important to continue to update their family portraits.
For today’s client, the experience is just as important as the images. One of the biggest things I do to continue to grow the family category of my business is to give myself extra time to chat. I generally allow two hours for each family session. This allows me time to really get to know my client by making small talk. Most business exchanges these days are all about collecting money and moving to the next transaction. You want to make sure you are making it known that your clients mean the world to you. Customer service has never been more important. We need to create an environment that makes their spending feel justified.