Tips for Tethering: 5 Things You Should Know with Vanessa Joy

It’s fairly easy to connect your camera to your computer via USB and start tethering to Lightroom. You can even use your camera’s native software if Lightroom isn’t your thing. With tethering, there are a lot of tricks that can make the process easier, faster and more stable.

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Backup and Archiving: 7 Tips for Getting It Right So You Can Sleep at Night with Moshe Zusman

The dream of every new photographer is to have so many jobs that you have to worry about archiving and backing up your images. In the beginning, I was shooting only one or two sessions a week, so it wasn’t even a thought.

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Skyrocket Your Email Subscribers: Outperform Social Media With Less Effort with Phillip Blume

Let’s take a quiz. Which company do you think you’re more likely to do business with—one that throws up a lot of expensive billboards to remind you it exists, or one you’re connected to directly, whose exclusive offers you receive in your personal inbox?

Continue ReadingSkyrocket Your Email Subscribers: Outperform Social Media With Less Effort with Phillip Blume

In-Person Sales Strategies for Out-of-Town Clients with Alissa Zimmerman

If you want to start making the cash register ring, in-person sales is the way to get that started (if you’re not already doing it). For those of you who are doing in-person sales, how do you take on out-of-town clients who can’t come into your studio after their session for their preview?

Continue ReadingIn-Person Sales Strategies for Out-of-Town Clients with Alissa Zimmerman