Peter Lik – Top 6 Tips for Taking Great Landscape Photos

Use a quality tripod. Nothing can ruin the perfect shot like a weak tripod or, even worse, no tripod at all. This is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your gear bag. Just as important as a steady set of legs is the head you put on it. Especially when you start shooting with a longer, heavier lens. Nobody wants to be in the middle of a long exposure only to have the ball head fail. I use Really Right Stuff carbon-fiber tripods. They’re incredibly sturdy, unbelievably light and easy to use. Cared for properly, they will last you a lifetime.

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The power of Speedlights w Craig LaMere

One of the main dilemmas faced by newer shooters is deciding which type of artificial light to invest in with a limited budget. The basic question is: What is the best bang for the buck that will help you grow the most? This month, I talk about the pros and cons about the two most common solutions to OCF shooting: speedlights versus mono strobe lights.

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Off-Camera Flash Basics

Many of the ShutterFest faithful have been telling me loud and clear that they need help with the basics of off-camera lighting. I’ve spent years cultivating studio and location skills ranging from simple one-light setups to complex multiple-light, large-crew productions, so I often assume everyone understands the basics. Clearly this isn’t the case. This month, let’s dig into the foundations and some basic techniques.

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