Quality vs. Quantity Workflow | Processing Your Raw Files in Capture One, DxO Optics Pro and Lightroom with Dustin Lucas

Photographers work in an industry where technology and software are evolving so rapidly it’s hard to keep up. Who hasn’t had the kind of experience where you’re ready to convert and process files, and you find out Adobe just launched a new version of Photoshop?

Continue ReadingQuality vs. Quantity Workflow | Processing Your Raw Files in Capture One, DxO Optics Pro and Lightroom with Dustin Lucas

Location Scouting – Essentials for a Seamless Shoot with Alissa Zimmerman

The process for ensuring a photo shoot goes according to plan involves three key ingredients: concept, wardrobe and location. In this article, I dive into locations and the tricky business of planning properly so there are no surprises the day of.

Continue ReadingLocation Scouting – Essentials for a Seamless Shoot with Alissa Zimmerman

Nailing Audio for Video: The Beginning Filmmaker’s Guide to Technique and Devices with Rob Adams

Video for audio - It’s an entire art-form unto itself. Just as there are entire conferences devoted to image making (both still and video), there are whole multiday events just for audio technicians, sound designers, music mixers and engineers.

Continue ReadingNailing Audio for Video: The Beginning Filmmaker’s Guide to Technique and Devices with Rob Adams