Digital Asset Workflows for Low-to High-Volume Studios with Laurin Thienes

“Digital asset workflow” is just a fancy way of describing how your files are managed. Whether you shoot one session a year or hundreds, this term needs to be in your vocabulary. Just because you are the best photographer in the world does not mean you know what to do with your images after the shoot, during the editing process or upon final archive.

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4 Tips for Ensuring a Great Wedding Experience with Leonardo Volturo

Are you looking to improve your client experience? This month, I share some of the ways we ensure a smooth and effective high-level wedding experience for our clients. Use these tips, and your own clients will be raving about you to their friends and family.

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Turning the Ordinary Into Extraordinary: Conventional and Unconventional Uses of Reflectors on Location with Michael Anthony

A 5-in-1 reflector is probably one of the first lighting tools most of us purchase. It remains my most used lighting tool on portrait shoots because of its versatility, portability and ability to make beautiful images. Expensive equipment often means better images, but that doesn’t hold for reflectors.

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Building Blocks: Conventions: Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck with Skip Cohen

I write the “Building Blocks” to give you ideas on building a stronger business, brand and network of support. While most of the blocks are part of your infrastructure, this month I want to step outside the structure of your business to talk about education with a touch of networking.

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Managing Customer Relationships: Finding the Right System for Your Business with Taylor Cincotta

Being a photographer is such a unique career. It’s hands-on, emotional, fun and action packed. Who doesn’t love that? But with all that fun comes the boring work behind the scenes that makes it all possible. It’s what everyone needs but no one wants to spend time on: organization.

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Build Your Brand: 5 Tips for Being More Than Just a Photographer with Craig LaMere

It’s so easy for anyone to call himself a photographer, so it is more important than ever to find your way out of the masses and be seen as unique. This month, I talk about work you put out to the world, how versatile you are in your shooting, ...

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