The Perfect Senior Session From Start to Finish
The Perfect Senior Session From Start to Finish with Carlee Secor The perfect senior session is always a work in…
The Perfect Senior Session From Start to Finish with Carlee Secor The perfect senior session is always a work in…
When a client books me for a senior portrait session, I automatically assume they are going to purchase wall prints, among other printed products that I offer. How do I know that? Because I make the end result of their session part of every conversation from the first inquiry.
If you have seen me speak on business topics, you have heard me say, “Try it. Test it. Use it or leave it behind.” The same thing holds true with gear. My first SLR was a Canon AE1 Program that my wife and I purchased over 40 years ago.
As photographers, it’s easy to get sucked into the mindset that it takes tons of fancy equipment to create stunning studio images. The truth is, killer images can be created on the smallest of budgets. It’s all about how you use your gear and understanding how to refine the light you create.
Covid-19 changed the world and there is no going back. The definition of "normal" is so far gone, I doubt it will ever return. So, what does that mean for us as photographers? Should we pack up shop? Quit? Work for free? Come on now.
Senior portraits are what really kicked off my photography career and made me fall in love with photography. I’ve been in business for four years now and have been using only natural light with all my senior portrait shoots since the beginning!
If there is one thing I have learned from photographing Senior Portrait Sessions it’s that high school classes are now just a tiny portion of their lives. Participating in diverse activities from art classes to ballet, to sports, to speech competitions, to theatrical productions, these 16- to 18-year-olds pack their schedules to the maximum.
In today’s high-tech, visual age, teens have their finger on the pulse of what’s cool and what’s not. They consume hours of visual content each day, even more so now that they attend school from their bedrooms and get shamed for spending time with friends due to the pandemic.
It’s rare that someone figures out what they are going to do for a living in middle school, but I did. Ever since I used to design Nike shoes in history class instead of paying attention to my teacher, I loved two things: art and sports.
We have five different looks on five different faces and are incorporating outfits to go with the beauty makeovers they are receiving. Lauren, Emma, Emily, Rachel and Kensley are on my model team and were eager to be part of this project.