5 Years: A Journey from Entitlement to Leadership with Alissa Zimmerman
The millennial mindset is a strange and ever-changing phenomenon, especially when it comes to finding and maintaining a career.
The millennial mindset is a strange and ever-changing phenomenon, especially when it comes to finding and maintaining a career.
As business owners who are also creative artists, we are easily burned out. The mundane tasks of running a business seem to suck the creativity right out of us. Yes, we get to do what we love. But we also have to run a business. So how do we stay inspired?
When I first came to Shutter with this topic, I was ready for Sal to hit me over the head. Not sure why, though, because Sal is one of the most supportive people I know—and, let’s face it, he isn’t scared to ruffle some feathers if it benefits someone.
I’ve met so many people over the years who don’t have the faintest idea how to find balance. In fact, they’re not even aware they’re off their axis, slowly spinning out of control.
Success. This is a big word that we sometimes allow to define so much of who we are and what we do. In our industry, we look to who is speaking at WPPI...
The age of the corner photography studio is all but over. Photographers no longer require a brick-and-mortar place of business.
Everyone puts their own unique spin on the idea of working with a spouse. Some add an expletive when asked if they could work with their spouse.
Can we talk about something morbid? Death. Yeah, I know: I just lost half my audience, right? (Maybe with the exception of you photographers who specialize in Gothic weddings!)
The ultimate goal for parents who work from home is to be able to do what they love for a living and still be a parent first. I am going to give you five tips that will help you and your business...
We all get in ruts that sap our creativity and motivation. Sometimes these ruts are just passing phases, or they’re a result of spending far too much time comparing yourself...