boudoir photography training | posing guide

boudoir photography training

As photographers, we spend a lot of time perfecting our craft. We take workshops, learn camera and lighting tricks and spend hours developing Photoshop skills. All of these are vitally important to produce quality images, but I find one area that can make the most impact on your images is often overlooked.

That’s right, I’m talking about posing. With proper posing, you can make your lighting look even better, spend less time editing in Photoshop, and really impress your clients by making them look better than they have ever seen themselves. Posing allows you to show off the parts of the body that your client wants to flaunt and hide what they want to diminish. A quality pose can often be the difference between a good photograph and a great one.

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To read the full article, launch the digital version of the October 2012 magazine.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Terry

    Very interesting

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