Understanding Lighting for Composites

Understanding Lighting for Composites

I think we are living in exciting times for photography. There are a lot of amazing developments in the photography field. Some of them will help us to do our job easier, but also can transform us into lazy photographers. Competition as pro photographers is going to be bigger and harder. Now more than ever photographers have to be really well-prepared and develop their unique style.

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How to Shoot Great Reception Details With Off-Camera Flash

How to Shoot Great Reception Details With Off-Camera Flash

The details of a wedding reception are often the touches that distinguish a wedding and show the unique personality of the bride. From the flowers harvested from her sister’s personal greenhouse to the heirloom mismatched china to the handmade, DIY, clock-themed centerpieces… this is her chance to show off her creative side and make the reception unique to her, her family and friends, and her relationship with the groom.

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One-Light Wonder: Making the Most With What You Have

One-Light Wonder: Making the Most With What You Have

As photographers in today’s world, we have so many options. We have strobes, natural light, constant light, reflectors. We have differing modifiers like octaboxes, softboxes, beauty dishes, strip boxes, umbrellas, gels and so on. There are lighting setups with five, six, seven, eight or more lights. The subject of lighting is endless. With so many possibilities, it can be overwhelming.

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Experimenting With Light In Camera and In Photoshop

Experimenting With Light In Camera and In Photoshop

Sal said it best and it is the mantra that I have tried to live my young photography life by: “Innovate or die.” Innovation can always come from seeking education from others in our industry, but it must begin with you. Ask yourself a simple question: “What am I consistently struggling with?” Focus on that until you have a grasp on it.

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Lighting is the Love Language of Photography

Lighting is the Love Language of Photography

Ultimately, the lighting you choose to go with creates the mood of your photograph and showcases your style and vision. The more you experiment and add new techniques to your lighting toolbox, the more stunning your lighting will be!

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SEO for Video
Shutter Magazine

SEO for Video

Overall, you must employ a multitude of these techniques to build SEO. You also want to make sure that if you are privately hosting your videos on your own site as opposed to using a YouTube embed code to place the video on your webpage, that your website itself is optimized for SEO. There are many services that exist to help with SEO optimization, but ideally, you will want to mirror all of your content on multiple platforms to become highly visible.

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5 Lighting Tricks for Better Photos

5 Lighting Tricks for Better Photos

Lighting is the foundation of a photographic composition. Photographers who are skilled in lighting can offer their clients flattering portraits no matter what environment they are working in. In the old days, lighting was just something that photographers understood. However, during the digital revolution, as cameras became more intuitive, people were able to obtain exposures much more easily by utilizing the automatic functions in their cameras.

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5 Tips for Better Black & White Editing in Lightroom Classic with Dustin Lucas
Black & White Photography

5 Tips for Better Black & White Editing in Lightroom Classic

When you are photographing a couple, you want to make sure you have a great tonal range. This really helps as we convert to black & white later while editing. Many of us look for contrast and texture while shooting for black & white and enhance these elements in post-production. Of course, there are multiple ways to get your Raw images converted, and in this article I have 5 tips for better black & white edits in Lightroom Classic.

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Behind the Shutter

Photography training and education for the modern photographer

In today’s competitive landscape, quality online photography training and education is priceless to your growth. Unfortunately, most publications contain a ton of fluff. No real meat to their content. Not at Behind the Shutter. We are committed to the photography community and improving professional photography by providing current, insightful, and in-depth educational content.

Training topics include photography lighting techniques, photography off-camera flash tips, photography posing guides, photography business concepts and marketing strategies, Facebook for photographers, boudoir and glamour photography training, high-school senior photography concepts, IPS (In-Person Sales) strategies, family photography, Lightroom tutorials, Photoshop how-tos, and much, much more.