Shutter Magazine

Brand Consistency on Instagram

Have you ever woken up in the morning and suddenly thought, “Ufff! What am I going to post on Instagram today?!” If the answer is yes, then you’re losing out big time.

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Real estate

Side Hustle: Real Estate Photography

The real estate market is very competitive and professional photography is a simple thing that will mean the difference between making a sale or not. Professional real estate photography could be a great side hustle to add to your photography business.

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Ways to Create Word-of-Mouth Marketing

You always hear that cliché, don’t you? The best marketing is word-of-mouth. Well, sure, not having to pay for marketing is great. But how do you get people talking about you without paying them to do it?

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Drop Your Excuses: Leveling Up Your Creativity

One of the most frequent comments that I hear as a photographer is, “I don’t know how to be creative!” Or, I will sometimes hear, “How can I be creative?” The immediate feeling that I get when hearing this statement causes me frustration, and sometimes sadness.

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Behind the Shutter

Photography training and education for the modern photographer

In today’s competitive landscape, quality online photography training and education is priceless to your growth. Unfortunately, most publications contain a ton of fluff. No real meat to their content. Not at Behind the Shutter. We are committed to the photography community and improving professional photography by providing current, insightful, and in-depth educational content.

Training topics include photography lighting techniques, photography off-camera flash tips, photography posing guides, photography business concepts and marketing strategies, Facebook for photographers, boudoir and glamour photography training, high-school senior photography concepts, IPS (In-Person Sales) strategies, family photography, Lightroom tutorials, Photoshop how-tos, and much, much more.