
Lighting On a Budget

Photography is an expensive undertaking, whether it’s your hobby or your career. From the hardware (camera and lenses) to the software (Capture One/Lightroom/Photoshop) and all the little things in between, the costs add up.

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Lighting Techniques

Lighting Techniques for Weddings

We know that weddings can be extremely unpredictable. You can do all of the preparation in the world, but as the famed fighter Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

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Tricks in Lightroom Classic
Post Production

Top 10 Tricks in Lightroom Classic

Over the years, some of my favorite tricks in Lightroom Classic have saved me seconds per image, minutes per job and hours in a week. Saving time is vital for my workflow and sanity when I have dozens of jobs piling up.

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How to Survive and Thrive in an Ever-Changing Marketplace

What a year it has been. It’s still hard to wrap our minds around everything that has happened in the last year and a half. It’s been an up and down emotional roller coaster. Even now, as a business owner, Im struggling to find my rhythm again. Do you find yourself feeling the same way?

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lighting setup

Lighting Tutorial: Soft Light vs. Hard Light

There are two main approaches you can take in the studio or on location. And which lane you choose will have a huge impact on the outcome of your images. You could choose to emulate window light, or you could choose to simulate sunlight.

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Instagram Reels
Shutter Magazine

10 Instagram Reels Hacks for Photographers

Instagram Reels launched in August of 2020 in 50 countries worldwide. Since then, photographers everywhere went scrambling to learn yet another social media trend—all while trying to keep their businesses open during the corona crisis and homeschool their kids. Who needs sleep, right?

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Behind the Shutter

Photography training and education for the modern photographer

In today’s competitive landscape, quality online photography training and education is priceless to your growth. Unfortunately, most publications contain a ton of fluff. No real meat to their content. Not at Behind the Shutter. We are committed to the photography community and improving professional photography by providing current, insightful, and in-depth educational content.

Training topics include photography lighting techniques, photography off-camera flash tips, photography posing guides, photography business concepts and marketing strategies, Facebook for photographers, boudoir and glamour photography training, high-school senior photography concepts, IPS (In-Person Sales) strategies, family photography, Lightroom tutorials, Photoshop how-tos, and much, much more.