4 Tips to Creating a Successful Wedding Photography Business with Clay Souza
When we talk about wedding photography, we’re always looking for our happily ever after! We read about all the success stories of other photographers and dream of achieving the same. Some of us dream bigger and chase—or want to chase—even bigger successes.
But what we don’t really see is all the work that goes into running a successful wedding photography business.
Let me tell you a quick story, a true story like some of us like to say.
At the beginning of my wedding photographer career, I was looking for ways to be a better wedding photographer. I was following the “gods” of wedding photography on every social media platform I could find, and one day I read on Facebook: “Is there anyone available to help me out with a bride and groom portrait in NYC?”
I immediately jumped on it. After all, it was one of the photographers I most admired. This was my chance. The moment I was waiting for. Watching a real pro at work. Even if that meant only assisting, carrying bags or whatever, I had to be a part of it. Well, there was only one problem. I live in North Carolina and it’s a good 10-hour drive from origin to destination.
But nothing was stopping me. I privately messaged him and I was in. A mix of excitement and nervousness could be seen when I told my wife the news.
I booked a flight and three days in a hotel. It was a multiple-day shoot, and off I went. This was going to be more fun than a barrel full of monkeys. And I was right, it was!
You are probably thinking, “But Clay, what on earth does it have to do with the business of wedding photography?”